2021-05-11 04:01 AM
I am a newbie and trying to make my hands dirty in STM32l476 Discovery board.
I am trying to control the brightness of an LED which is connected onboard at GPIO PIN PE8.
The TIMER on this pin is TIM1 CH1N.
What I have tried is till now is below. I would request someone to please go through and correct where I am wrong.
STEP1: Setting the GPIO PIN PE8 to TIM1CH1N functionality.
STEP2: Clock Configuration is set to 40MHz.
STEP3: TIMER mode and configurations as below.
Clock Source - Internal Clock Source.
STEP4: Counter Settings as below.
Prescaler Value - 40000 (To make clock as 1000 Hz)
Counter Period (ARR) - 100 -1 (Max limit in one second)
Now in programming part.
I am starting the timer with the by calling below API.
HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1);
Now in the while loop i wanted to change brightness of an LED.
htim1.Instance-> CCR1 = 50; // For 50% brightness on PE8 LED//
htim1.Instance->CCR1 = 100; // FOR 100% brightness on PE8 LED//
I would once again request someone to guide me and let me understand this topic with detailed explanation.
Thanks in Advance! and Looking forward to hear from someone.
2021-05-11 05:37 AM
why TIM1CH1N ?
the N means its going to be the exact oposite of TIM1CH1
so CCR=100 would be pwm=0%;
also try TIM1->CCR1=50 instead of htim1.instance
2021-05-11 07:54 AM
> HAL_TIM_PWM_Start()
That does not enable the TIM1_CH1N, only TIM1_CH1. You have to use HAL_TIMEx_OCN_Start().
> let me understand this topic with detailed explanation.
If you want to understand what you are doing, read the Reference Manual. Cube/HAL is open source, you can look at what the different functions do. Or just simply don't use Cube/HAL and write programs by directly accessing the mcu registers.
> the N means its going to be the exact oposite of TIM1CH1