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How can i use example codes that inside reposity folder?

Associate II

I am trying to use spi interface between 2 stm32f429zi discovery board and i found a code provided by ST that is inside reposity folder. Basicly it says it is an example for two board comminucation. But i could not manage to build that code file from stm32CubeIDE.


Accepted Solutions
Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Examples for older STM32 models such as F4 do not have native support for CubeIDE.

But CubeIDE can import SW4STM projects (different version of eclipse).

So, start from Import... General... Import ac6 System Workbench... Project

Point to SW4STM folder in the example you want to use.

You can also use "Import STM32Cube example", it is basically same but takes a lot longer.

Be warned that the import is not ideal, there can be minor glitches with the link script and others that should be fixed manually.

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The history for GNU/Eclipse based project files has been a bit checkered as ST has jumped between toolsets (Atollic, SW4STM32, etc)

The IAR and Keil project files have tended to have more consistency, although in recent releases IAR seems to have veered all over the road about it's library and include paths.

The Examples should all be self-relative, but Eclipse workspaces are often been very difficult to move, without knowing the specific build errors or failure you're encountering, I'd guess Include Paths might be broken, or those for libraries. Or something deeper within the project meta-data.

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Examples for older STM32 models such as F4 do not have native support for CubeIDE.

But CubeIDE can import SW4STM projects (different version of eclipse).

So, start from Import... General... Import ac6 System Workbench... Project

Point to SW4STM folder in the example you want to use.

You can also use "Import STM32Cube example", it is basically same but takes a lot longer.

Be warned that the import is not ideal, there can be minor glitches with the link script and others that should be fixed manually.