2018-01-28 9:32 AM
hi , i recently start programming with stm32f103rbt6 (using SPL) and i want to be a professional stm32 programmer , what is the best way to reach my purpose ?
2018-01-29 5:06 AM
A funny way of looking at things - if you want to be a professional auto mechanic, buy a broken car ... ;)
But somehow correct - as a 'professional', you will definitely spend hours reading and fixing other peoples code.
2018-01-29 5:12 AM
I was joking of course. Engineering is about fixing issues / solving problems, I guess.
At least I see this profession this from my 25 years experience in computer networks.
No problems - no need for skilled guys. Sad.
2018-01-29 9:48 AM
The STM32F1 is a 10 year old product, best to branch out into newer families where rough edges have been addressed.
The STM32 stuff is a fractional subset of what I know, I'm an EE with a Maths/Physics background, and majored in IC Design. Been programming micros since I was a teenager, and mostly self-taught in that regard.
2018-01-29 10:56 AM
Like to see graduates that have actually done something with their years at college/university. It is not hard to have a impact, and be visible on the web, with a project of your own, or contributing to a project that interests you, in a meaningful way.
2018-01-29 4:07 PM
As a junior, I had a processor Reference manual under my arm to a few months, just reading and getting use to the functions inside the chip. These days the functionality is huge.
Find an IDE that you can work with, I use VisualStudio and GDB, ( not free)
Do you have a Scope ? Multimeter ? these instruments require some training.
I use this one at home, TDS 2024, 4 channel color scope. great for anything upto about 200MHz
did you look at designing your own board ? Kicad is very good.
Actually, I have learned C over the last 6 years, and its almost identical work on my boards as it is on my server code.
so you just need time to learn to code, then you will be able to work inside any system.
I use the Cube and HAL, it is easy enough to make a board, program it, and debug step by step.
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I do not 100% agree with that. I see where you are coming from, but at the end of the day, you use the tools that let you get the job done in an efficient manner. If that means you will use CubeMX, then so be it. Seeing how the SPL is no longer supported (atleast that is what I heard a year ago), you are probably better off using the newer LL libraries. Not everyone started 10 years ago and has knowledge of the SPL. It would be counter intuitive to go backwards. If you are serious, at the end of the day, you are going to have to edit the HAL to your liking anyways (I2C library....do not get me started). You are going to have to learn it one way or another and using the auto-generated code should not stop you.
2018-02-01 8:03 AM
You have wrong priorities, but your desire is very bright.
You want to earn good money using stm programming as a tool. That's what you should do. For this, it is not necessary to be a great programmer - it is enough to create the things people need.Professional programmers are like writers, artists, bloggers and so on. They are all public. Each of them creates something, and it is interesting to people. Their work is a model for imitation, many people want to rise to the same level of enlightenment.
For example: professional programmers of the company st have written HAL. And now a huge number of people write their programs using HAL.You need to choose: to be a publicly demanded professional programmer, or simply to make money.
2018-02-01 2:31 PM
Sometimes I think it is not the interesting projects. No one pays for them. Work is sometimes just work. You are sometimes paid for programming just what your boss wants.
2018-02-01 3:00 PM
Sometimes the project itself it's not interesting but what you learn to complete it is worth the time spent on it.
For example: I just want to connect an LCD to the FSMC - I am spending time on FSMC tuning (not very exciting - reading the datasheet, etc). The most exciting part is the GUI, etc.
BUT during the FSMC customization I had to learn many other things e.g. Hard Fault investigation, etc.
You can also look for new way of doing something to make the project more exciting.
Sometimes it's possible.