2019-04-25 10:15 AM
2019-04-25 10:35 AM
It works with most commonly available CAN transceivers (Microchip, Bosch, NXP, etc). Look at one of the EVAL board schematics if you want a specific example.
Most any GPS/GNSS receiver module available today are available with 3V CMOS interfacing suitable for direct connection to an STM32.
2019-04-26 2:36 AM
Okay thanks a lot, but still can't find the one which can transform 12volts to 5volts.
In fact, we have a bus CAN from a scooter and we wan't to acquire the information from the scooter via a bus can that we connect to the stm32 -BL475 so that to send after information with Lora protocol. The only probleme we have is that the bus can of the scooter output voltage is 12v and we can't connect that to the Microchip bus can because it doesn't support its voltage.
2019-04-26 2:38 AM
And the eval board price is very high for a scolar project !
2019-04-26 2:47 AM
> The only probleme we have is that the bus can of the scooter output voltage is 12v ...
That cannot be true.
The physical characteristics/levels of CAN are standardized, and don't allow a 12V signal level on the CANH/CANL lines.
> And the eval board price is very high for a scolar project !
The Nucleo/Discovery boards are very affordable, sold at about the original costs.
2019-04-26 4:33 AM
I'm suggesting that you STUDY the schematic and software as examples of CAN implementations that work. Should only cost your time.
2019-04-26 4:35 AM
So you need a regulator for the power supply?
2019-04-26 6:30 AM
euhh, thanks okay i am going to double check that !
2019-04-26 6:31 AM
yepp i solve it, we finaly are going to make a simple board for the regulation.