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Hi, I would like to know the maximum frequency input supported by STM32F031C6T6 and the total ADC error rate expected for this MCU.

Associate II

Read the datasheet, 12-bit ADC characteristics chapter.


Thank you .Could you please comment on the maximum frequency supported.

For the MCU or the ADC? Both should be in the Data sheet, surely?​

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I would like to detail my query .In Stm32f031c6, for input capture mode of timer 2 in gpio PA0 ,What is the maximum input frequency supported? I have gone through datasheet couldn't find a solution for this.

Considsr the timer max clock frequency to be around the logic limit. Of course timer clock can be lower frequency than io input signal... for example using an input prescaler. Or using input signal as timer clock.... that is a different question. Channels 1 and 2 to use first as more versatile.

Lead II

I can't find this information in the DS or RM.

I think for input capture the limit is the timer clock frequency, or perhaps 1/2 sysclock if there is resync of the input signal.

The real question is how fast you can drain the captured data.

I rated this at 1/10 of the system clock frequency using DMA. With a 64 MHz sysclock consider 6.4M capture/sec. At 8M capture/sec some capture were missing.

This is on one channel. If there are several channels, this capture rate must be shared.

To measure anything useful perhaps 12 MHz or below, and perhaps at some integer submultiple of the APB / TIMCLK

Instead of riddles, perhaps actually state what the goal is, and we can postulate if that's feasible, or that your approach is perhaps not suitable.

Would be good for servo 50 Hz PWM

At 500-1000 KHz, with it interrupting, perhaps unrealistic.

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