2018-05-24 2:43 PM
good morning people i'm newbie in this plataform and I need a little bit of your help, I'm doing a project of a hexapod robot but I want it to detect objects with a camera module and if it loses the object that looks for it ¿What camera do you recommend to do this type of work with images?
thank you very much and excuse my english, I am Spanish speaking
2018-05-24 10:20 PM
If you are really bound to a STM32F4, I would recommend the smallest workable image resolution. Something like 320x240. The F4 MCUs are limited in RAM size, and you need to read the image and iterate over it multiple times at your frame rate.
If I had the choice, I would go for a Cortex A module with Linux, and use OpenCV.
2018-05-25 1:10 AM
hello AvaTar
then I could use an embedded computer which has a J1800 celeron and 4GB of RAM is almost the size of the STM32F4 card and works at 12V a 2.50A could bind and send certain information to the microcontroller
but using the keil uVision 5 compiler how can I transfer the openCV libraries to control the servo motors?
2018-05-25 2:53 AM
... but using the keil uVision 5 compiler how can I transfer the openCV libraries to control the servo motors?
I would do all the image processing stuff on the i86 board, including offset vectors for the servo motors.
The MCU board (STM32F4) would have to do the motor control.
The actual movements depend on your application of the robot.
2018-05-25 3:03 AM
correct I'm going to initialize with openCV and python
I am looking for a camera module at this time, which module could be suitable for these jobs? and thank you very much for answering
2018-05-25 3:49 AM
I don't do much with cameras / graphics, sorry.
Check the available interfaces at the i86 board, and search for matching camera modules.
I would look for:
- matching interface
- resolution (size and color)
- frame rate
- support by your i86 board OS
- price