2015-08-01 9:14 PM
hi every body !!! currently , i have bought stm32f7 discovery board i very excite to write a test application ( kind GUI ) , i there someone suggest me a good tool ????
and for a better , it can related to my code in keil C ?? thank very much2015-08-03 6:47 AM
Hi chau_vo.huong,
ST has a the STemWin library for GUI applications. You can find a demonstration under STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Demonstration\STemWin_Addons and an application under STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Applications\STemWin.Thanks to have chosen our products. -Shahrzad-
2015-08-04 12:35 AM
2015-08-04 9:47 AM
Hi chau_vo.huon,
Stemwin libray contains bench of widget, here an application note that you can use to begin
. Also in segger website you can find intresting projects with their source codes
-Shahrzad- oh thank for your guide but doesn't stemwin have graphic layer of designer ??? like swing in java or such that ???? ,2015-08-05 9:42 AM
2015-11-23 11:02 PM
Hi, I have an STM32F7456-NG Disco and I would like to use STemwin (GUIBUILDER) included into STM32CUBEF7 package. I have installed OPENSTM32 toolchain compiling and debugging it's ok, but when downloading Firmware graphic is not correctly showed all widget are depixeled and touching not working. Thnks, for help
2015-11-24 3:07 AM
Hi zuccarog,
Could you specify the version of STM32CubeF7 package? and which example you are running, the demonstration or StemWin example?-Shahrzad-2015-11-24 4:19 AM
I'm referring on STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.2.0 PACKAGE. Example is the Demo, but I tried to use GUI Builder with standard control like Dialogs, buttons,etc... but the result is the same. My board is the eval STM32F746NG-Disco. Gianfranco2016-01-22 2:17 AM
Hi zuccarog,
GUIBuilder is a tool for creating dialogs and generating a code to be executed on the board. So, if you want to obtain good results, you have to ensure that the size of generated window is compatible with the hardware (480*272 in discovery case). Also, ensure that the touch Screen is activated and the code is up-to-date (complete callbacks.....). -Shahrzad-