2021-07-12 3:06 AM
There are any way to each time that I build the project, the changes made at the second linker script will be done? The main linker script is STM32F746ZGTX_FLASH.ld, and the other is called MEM_0.ld, and it's in another folder inside the project.
Thanks in advance!
2021-07-12 9:17 AM
Hello @RExpo.1 ,
Could you provide you linker files, or at least the minimum files, that reproduce this issue? And which is the toolchain version you are working with here?
Best regards,
@SBEN .2
2021-07-14 6:54 AM
Hello SBEN, Finally I delated the files due it didn't work as I want. But the main linker script was provided for the STM32CubeIDE, and the other was a copy of it but with another MEMORY region, and another section within this region. It' didnt overlap, and when I used the simbols where created, but when I made a change It didn't shown in the build analyzer. I think that it was due I used the INCLUDE command. I tried another way to do it by means of the settings configuration of the Cube IDE. Inside Propieties/Settings/MCU GCC Linker/Miscelanous I aded a new object file "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/MEM_AUX_2.ld}", then each time I change the .ld file the build analyze change the regios, sections an simbols. It solve the initial problem, but apeared a waringn [contains output sections; did you forget -T?]. The programs works but the warning didn't disapear.
2021-07-14 12:32 PM
Force re-link or do full rebuild. The Eclipse builder does not track changes in your ld include file.