Hello @DYann.1 ,If this is the SAI instance you'd like to use it would be correct. I recommend you read more about the subject and watch the MOOC's videos ( STM32CubeMX & CubeHAL basics MOOC). It wouldn't be enough to wire the pins, there's software...
Hello @DYann.1 ,Unfortunately, CubeMX is not an online tool. You need to install it on your computer to be able to run it.CubeMX is more than a pin configuration tool, it also generates the initialization code for your peripherals and allows you to ...
Hello @jduo.1 ,Are you sur that no interrupt happened while you're stepping? Could you disable the interrupts using SIM and retest your code? Disclaimer: I've never used STM8, I've just skimmed through PM0044.Best regards,@SBEN .2