2022-10-26 5:03 AM
2022-10-26 5:11 AM
Probably via a serial interface, or four
Cameras perhaps look at ArduCam or MVCam type implementation.
GPS/GNSS predominantly UART, but several support I2C.
2022-10-26 8:36 AM
>two cameras ( for video footage)
What do you want to do with those cameras?
The blue pill is going to get smaller for your proyect reeeally quick, check out "black pill"
Depending of what you had in mind i´d go directly for a raspi zero, specially if youre thinking about some kind of networ connection
2022-10-26 11:54 AM
I was trying not to program using Python. I'm good in C and Arduino programming language. That's the reason why I wanted to implement my project on STM32 platform
2022-10-27 12:03 AM
>I'm good in C and Arduino programming
I dont doubt that,but if youre starting the question with a " I'm new in working with the STM32.", i believe there is a chance you dont understand yet what an stm32f1 can and cannot do , and that you might be underestimating the learning curve.
**also, you could code in c++ in the raspi**
the gps and the fingerprint sensor are doable.
but tell us more about what you want to do with those videocamaras, are you just controlling them? or you do videprocessing/fowarding or something.
2022-10-27 3:33 AM
I want the video cameras to relay real time video footage and store it to cloud