2022-05-16 1:33 PM
2022-05-16 2:29 PM
Slave mode for what interface? I2C, SPI, something else?
2022-05-17 3:01 AM
Where have you looked to far?
The Product Page lists loads of resources...
This part has been in production for over a decade, so lots of 3rd-party resources on the interwebs...
2022-05-17 4:46 AM
@Community member Yes exactly, inteface slave mode I²C.
2022-05-17 4:53 AM
@Andrew Neil Thanks.
2022-05-17 6:30 AM
You mean you want the STM32 to be a Slave?
ST have examples which connect 2 ports together - one Master, one Slave...
2022-05-17 6:54 AM
There should be examples in the CubeF1 board example trees
This and similar should deal with both ends, ie Master and Slave usage.
2022-05-17 6:59 AM
@Andrew Neil example i want Arduino to be the master and STM32 to be the slave
2022-05-17 7:02 AM
@Community member I tried to implement it, on a stm32f103c8t6, but I ran into difficulties.
2022-05-17 7:08 AM
@Community member @Andrew Neil Could you help me with an example?
thank you in advance for your support.