2014-07-31 1:46 AM
I hit an issue with our STM32L project that is giving meheadaches.
We have recently upgraded from STM32L151VB to STM32L151VC as we needed the extra RAM.
Migrating the code though, has started triggering HARDfaults with the Invalid state flag set in the CFSR. It just so happens when calling the _WFI() instruction to go to sleep.
(using IAR 7.10.3). The problemdisappears if I put a breakpoint before or on the WFI operation ( see addr 0x800bc1e in disassembly dump ). The problem occurs again in a different location if I modify the code and the binary moves around.
I have implemented a hard fault handler as suggested by joseph yiu, but the contents of the recovered stack do not tell me much as it looks to be coming from some other interrupt or fault (LR), the PC is invalid (EVEN)
[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0xe000ed10
R2 = 0x1000
R3 = 0x66000000
R12 = 0xe5ffffff
LR [R14] = 0xfffffff9 subroutine call return address
PC [R15] = 0x7000 program counter
PSR = 0x6000002a
BFAR = 0xe000ed38
CFSR = 0x00020000
HFSR = 0x40000000
DFSR = 0x1
AFSR = 0x0
SHCSR = 0x0
Forced Hard Fault
Usage fault: INV STATE
I have examined all the interrupt vector entries, they all seem to be on an odd address as expected�
Do anybody have any ideas at all?
I have implemented a hard fault handler as suggested by joseph yiu, but the contents of the recovered stack do not tell me much as it looks to be coming from some other interrupt or fault (LR), the PC is invalid (EVEN)
[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0xe000ed10
R2 = 0x1000
R3 = 0x66000000
R12 = 0xe5ffffff
LR [R14] = 0xfffffff9 subroutine call return address
PC [R15] = 0x7000 program counter
PSR = 0x6000002a
BFAR = 0xe000ed38
CFSR = 0x00020000
HFSR = 0x40000000
DFSR = 0x1
AFSR = 0x0
SHCSR = 0x0
Forced Hard Fault
Usage fault: INV STATE
I have implemented a hard fault handler as suggested by joseph yiu, but the contents of the recovered stack do not tell me much as it looks to be coming from some other interrupt or fault (LR), the PC is invalid (EVEN)
[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0xe000ed10
R2 = 0x1000
R3 = 0x66000000
R12 = 0xe5ffffff
LR [R14] = 0xfffffff9 subroutine call return address
PC [R15] = 0x7000 program counter
PSR = 0x6000002a
BFAR = 0xe000ed38
CFSR = 0x00020000
HFSR = 0x40000000
DFSR = 0x1
AFSR = 0x0
SHCSR = 0x0
Forced Hard Fault
Usage fault: INV STATE
I have implemented a hard fault handler as suggested by joseph yiu, but the contents of the recovered stack do not tell me much as it looks to be coming from some other interrupt or fault (LR), the PC is invalid (EVEN)
[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0xe000ed10
R2 = 0x1000
R3 = 0x66000000
R12 = 0xe5ffffff
LR [R14] = 0xfffffff9 subroutine call return address
PC [R15] = 0x7000 program counter
PSR = 0x6000002a
BFAR = 0xe000ed38
CFSR = 0x00020000
HFSR = 0x40000000
DFSR = 0x1
AFSR = 0x0
SHCSR = 0x0
Forced Hard Fault
Usage fault: INV STATE
#hard-fault-stm32l2014-07-31 2:24 AM
Now that you have more SRAM, did you moved the stack pointer to the end or it is still in the middle of SRAM where your large data or bss reside now ?
2014-07-31 3:28 AM
Not sure what you mean by that.
My linker file placement remained the same''place in RAM_region { readwrite, block CSTACK, block HEAP }; ''only thing that changed is the size of RAM_region...In any case my main stack only gets 25% filled max, and at the time of the __WFI() call stack is <5%...2014-07-31 8:09 AM
You'd probably want to look at what's interrupting, and why that might be corrupting the stack frame.
2014-07-31 2:18 PM
Think you need to set the databarrier just before entering __WFI()
Data Synchronization Barrier followed by the Instruction Synchronization Barrier. __DSB(); __ISB();I have implemented a hard fault handler as suggested by joseph yiu, but the contents of the recovered stack do not tell me much as it looks to be coming from some other interrupt or fault (LR), the PC is invalid (EVEN)
[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0xe000ed10
R2 = 0x1000
R3 = 0x66000000
R12 = 0xe5ffffff
LR [R14] = 0xfffffff9 subroutine call return address
PC [R15] = 0x7000 program counter
PSR = 0x6000002a
BFAR = 0xe000ed38
CFSR = 0x00020000
HFSR = 0x40000000
DFSR = 0x1
AFSR = 0x0
SHCSR = 0x0
Forced Hard Fault
Usage fault: INV STATE
I have implemented a hard fault handler as suggested by joseph yiu, but the contents of the recovered stack do not tell me much as it looks to be coming from some other interrupt or fault (LR), the PC is invalid (EVEN)
[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0xe000ed10
R2 = 0x1000
R3 = 0x66000000
R12 = 0xe5ffffff
LR [R14] = 0xfffffff9 subroutine call return address
PC [R15] = 0x7000 program counter
PSR = 0x6000002a
BFAR = 0xe000ed38
CFSR = 0x00020000
HFSR = 0x40000000
DFSR = 0x1
AFSR = 0x0
SHCSR = 0x0
Forced Hard Fault
Usage fault: INV STATE
I have implemented a hard fault handler as suggested by joseph yiu, but the contents of the recovered stack do not tell me much as it looks to be coming from some other interrupt or fault (LR), the PC is invalid (EVEN)
[Hard fault handler - all numbers in hex]
R0 = 0x0
R1 = 0xe000ed10
R2 = 0x1000
R3 = 0x66000000
R12 = 0xe5ffffff
LR [R14] = 0xfffffff9 subroutine call return address
PC [R15] = 0x7000 program counter
PSR = 0x6000002a
BFAR = 0xe000ed38
CFSR = 0x00020000
HFSR = 0x40000000
DFSR = 0x1
AFSR = 0x0
SHCSR = 0x0
Forced Hard Fault
Usage fault: INV STATE
2014-08-06 3:09 AM
Hi Clive and Edje,
I did try the synchronasitation_DSB();__ISB(); but the problem did not disappear.I have been focusing on the occurring interrupts as suggested, but I am still puzzled why I am seeing what I am seeing.This is an interrupt log of my project showing hard fault occurring straight after entering TIM10 ISR.2015-02-19 10:31 AM
Hello Ampa
I have just vitnessed the same issue right after moving to L151VC from L151VB. When I remove the WFI instruction the problem seems to disappear. I am looking for a better solution. How did you solve yours?2015-02-19 12:54 PM
Review the register content at the fault, AND the stack frame.
Does the bigger SRAM move the stack or heap. Determined WHAT the interrupt was.2015-02-19 10:16 PM
Perhaps the mentioned breakpoint is the problem.
If you use a breakpoint at a 4 byte instruction and you make a new build and now your breakpoint is in the middle of that instruction (and the environment does not correct the address), you will get a hardfault everytime, the instruction with the breakpoint is executed! [only hardware breakpoints are effected!] We have had this experience very often ;) This feature is very annoying, because the stack/registers seemed to be wrong and misleading! Perhaps the environment (with its monitor) does this corruption (and is not capable to handle an interrupt in the middle of an instruction).2015-02-20 3:48 AM
Thanks for the reponses.
Clive, each time the hardfault is hit, the main stach contents are different, i.e. potentially a random content. When I checked the process stack, it consistently shows the WFI() call right before the exception. It looks like this happens when the idle task sleeps the cpu for low power. We have SysTick every 1ms for OS and it is the most likely wake up source. Then the wakeup process following the interrupt corrupts the main stack for some reason. When I disable the sleep the problem disappears. My current conclusion is that this might be due to a silicon difference or problem on VC side. I am currently checking the errata sheets for any related information. And I will do more testing today as well. Damh, even if there is no breakpoint the exception occurs. Using the debugger, start he application, then after a few seconds it hits the hard fault. It is easy to generate. When I was googling I found a very similar looking problem on another CortexM3 device from different manufacturer: http://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/stellaris_arm/f/471/t/65372 . I am not sure if the root causes are the same, however, it is certainly an interesting thread...