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Give me a second example on embedded programming on my Nucleo board

Associate III

Hi all,

I've installed STM32CubeIDE, STM32CubeMX plus STM32CubeProgrammer. As well as, I've written a simple C++ project to blink the LED of my STM32NucleoF411RE board when it's connected to my Windows machine, as my first embedded programming project. Moreover, I'm able to write a typical piece of code in C++ to output a result, just like console applications, and observe that output on the IDE too. I've done these based on self-education and must make progress this way yet.

What do you suggest that I work on as the second project/example/exercise to be a little more advanced than what I did via my board, please?

Thanks in advance.

Principal III

There are so many choices...

  • connect a cheap sensor breakout board via I2C or SPI bus and read-out measurements
  • use ADC channels to measure analog voltages like from a photo resistor
  • connect a tiny OLED display via SPI bus
  • generate PWM signals to control a servo motor, or a buzzer/speaker
  • ...

You might get some ideas by browsing board vendor sites like Adafruit, Sparkfun, ...




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Associate III

Thank you for your answers.

Let me please before all else tell you of all the embedded stuff I have at hand for embedded programming:

  • Nucleo STM32 F411RE board
  • Breadboard
  • A blue pill board (stm32f103c8)
  • a bunch of wires

Now please tell me which of the projects above is the simplest one which can be done using the embedded stuff above?

That will be my second embedded programming ever, after blink LED project.