2017-08-28 12:53 AM
I m using FT6236 capacitive touch screen controller with I2C3 inside STM32F407. All required Connections have been checked thoroughly. I have referred the reference code from all possible links available from internet. It was found that all available code online doesn't work correctly. It can only plot only few points but even those points are incorrect. Please! help me to debug the code since this code is giving incorrect answers from registers of FT6236.
2017-08-30 3:15 AM
Hi all,
I have managed to initialize the FT6236 touch screen controller from Soft I2C successfully but when i initialize the same using Hard I2C3 core inside STM32F407VG, thenFT6236 touch screen controller is not giving the values at all. Differences between waveforms in both cases are attached herewith. Please! help me to correct the code attached below.
2017-09-07 3:22 AM
Hi all,
I somehow managed to get Hard I2C working with FT6236 by extensive debugging. But again one most important problem still remaining that Hard I2C is receiving RXNE interrupt only in debugging mode but not receiving the same interrupt in free running mode. Please! help me now atleast.