2014-12-07 08:25 AM
Hello. I use STM32F429ZI with stardard Peripherals Library 1.40. I need use FSMC. But when I add it (in templates and examples files for example) I get 30 errors. It can't find FSMC_Bank1E - FSMC_Bank4.
Why I get it? #stm32f429 #fsmc2014-12-07 08:34 AM
Do you need to be using the FMC rather than FSMC?
Check the library files being used, and the defines, stm32f4xx_conf.h, etc2014-12-08 12:45 AM
Did you define,
STM32F429_439xx,USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER Did you include \STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f4xx_fmc.c in your build?