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Freeware compilers for STM32 family ?

David Allan
Posted on May 05, 2017 at 04:02

I am new to the STM32 world.   I've played a lot with many 8051 varieties and now want to expand.   I am thinking of buy a few of the really simple STM32 boards to play with, and just start writing code from scratch.

I'd like to ask what people would recommend as far as a freeware compiler goes ?

ST Employee
Posted on May 05, 2017 at 10:42




I recommend you to use the


This way, you will benefit fom the already available examples ready to use with this toolchain that are available in the STM32Cube package.


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Uwe Bonnes
Principal III
Posted on May 05, 2017 at 11:13

For most of the freeware packages, the launchpad compiler at


is the original source of the toolchain. If you need the bare toolchain, consider the link above.

Posted on May 05, 2017 at 11:27

If you don't like/need the Cube approach (see other threads here), I can recommend EmBlocks (now called EmBitz), a free gcc-derived toolchain with an IDE based in CodeBlocks. It supports the 'old' Standard Peripheral Libs, but no Cube.

Posted on May 05, 2017 at 13:35

I use GNU/GCC, works fine.

Keil is free for Cortex-M0 STM32 parts.

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Posted on September 17, 2017 at 15:51

It is really easy to import CubeMX generated project into EmBitz.

Posted on September 17, 2017 at 18:28

Create a project from scratch (the lowest start) - it's very difficult. It can be said - almost impossible. This is tantamount to designing an atomic reactor for a comic liner. You will surely stumble, and for a long time you will look for the cause.

You need examples to follow. Such simple and as your task.

EmBitz has a starting configuration in a similar style. Nothing superfluous is the minimum. It is enough for communication through the debugger to edit the contents of the processor registers in real time.

Everything else becomes available in the programming process.

I advise you to divide the program into two levels: iron and code. Otherwise it will be very difficult. The program for iron will have to be written for each project. Exceptions do not exist. Each new project is a unique task, the program for iron can not coincide.

The algorithms for C are universal, this code can be easily reused. And most importantly - use someone else's code.

Use the turtle (version control)

- this will help in development.