2012-10-01 7:10 AM
Would it be possible for ST, it's technical staff, or FAE's to participate in this forum in a more meaningful way?
#evertdekker.com2012-10-01 7:14 AM
Please LIKE this post (can't like the parent), or bump this thread, if you would like to see more active participation in the forum by ST staff charged with supporting the STM32 chips and boards.
Thanks, -Clive2012-10-01 8:06 AM
definitely need more stm support, its the one thing that scared me the most about using these chips was getting stuck with no help :(
2012-10-01 8:13 AM
Well, at least there is a forum for STM32 - there are still ST products that have no forum at all!!
2012-10-01 8:28 AM
Active participation from ST's side would surely improve quality and response times.
Other vendor's forums show that IMHO.2012-10-01 8:49 AM
By the way, I take this occasion to thank you especially clive for the time you spend to answer the forum questions.
I have spent countless hours reading many posts on this forum with problems similar to mine and wether it was a problem of mine or some other guy issue, I have seen many times very helpful answers from you - Thanks for this very useful support :)2012-10-01 9:00 AM
There WAS once some sign that ST were interested in this forum. I think now they have a wide variety of STM32 parts on sale the initial enthusiasm (and budget ?) has waned. Clive's suggestion that people contact FAEs is sound. What WOULD help is for people who have and then solve problems to report back to the forum to keep the rest of us informed.
This forum is still a lot better than NXP's or FreeScale's offerings in my view depite its occasional crashes. A lot of times, it's just ''turn on the clocks'' and ''get the Interrupt Service routine names correct'' but sometimes (Frank V H's DMA issues) it would be helpful if ST could try a bit harder. Clive (1) is doing a very good job single handedly - I doubt ST could compete!2012-10-01 4:30 PM
Kudos to Clive for keeping this forum relevant. His numerous and authoritative posts keep me coming back despite the lack of attention by ST and the world's worst forum software.
2012-10-02 12:16 AM
ST should invest here rather than senseless advertising !! They are not aware how important it is.. typical sales people deciding !
2012-10-02 3:56 AM
It's a shame that there is no contribution from ST to this forum.
Without Clive this forum was dead already.