2018-07-08 5:19 AM
I am evaluating the atollic IDE, and i am annoyed by the fact that the project explorer does not show the folders with the header files.
This is my setup:
Windows 10 64bit
Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 9.0.1
MotorControl Workbench
Motor Profiler 5.1.1
Hardware i am working with NUCLEO-F303RE
So i generated a project using
MotorControl Workbench and a project using cubeMX.
In the project created by cubeMX everythink is fine, but project created by MotorControl Workbench i do not see the ''Inc'' folder in the IDE.
I see that the project created with motorworkbech has some square icons next to the folders.
My Question is how can i generate a project where i see the include folder, or what setting i have to change in the ide to make it visible?
2018-07-08 5:51 AM
Don't the Include files pull from the 'Include Paths' rather than be explicitly enumerated in the project tree.
2018-07-08 10:26 AM
Yes they do, but the indexer does not find it there.
e.g. when i open the source file i should be able to switch to the header file by pressing CTRL+TAB, so i can look into the definitions in the header.
Searching for files while eclipse has already a mechanism that does that causes a significant productivity loss.