2018-07-06 8:35 AM
I'm making a proto board but I don't have suitable loading capacitance for crystal resonator.
As far as my novice knowledge about Pierce oscillator and the fact that some other MCUs may not care which clock source fed to them, I think it's possible.
Is it possible to do so?
#hse-config #external-clock-source #hse2018-07-06 9:28 AM
If you use an external clock source (XO, TCXO, etc) you should generally try to use HSE BYPASS mode. There are some STM32 family that will tolerate you not doing that, but I've observed the L1 parts to have a halving/doubling issue, and the L0 where BYPASS doesn't work at 32 MHz
2018-07-07 4:34 AM
I should have added this information. I'm going to test DFU bootloader (STM32F4) . In the 'bootloader selection' block diagram (AN2606), it seems that it need 'HSE detected' to execute DFU bootloader. I don't know if this includes bypass clock source or not.
2018-07-07 6:01 AM
''m making a proto board but I don't have suitable loading capacitance for crystal resonator.' Those capacitors are for fine tuning the crystal frequency. They may also an effect of loading internal electronics of the CPU. There is always some capacitance between IC pin and ground. So in that sense those capacitors are not critical or even needed. But as Clive2version0 said there maybe other issues.
2018-07-07 10:30 AM
I don't have a good way to test it, but my expectation is that HSE_READY is driven by the presence of a clock on OSC/HSE_IN pin, and then it bench marks that clock against the HSI via a TIM, to determine which of the specifically supported clock frequencies is being used.
2018-07-08 9:32 AM
According to this
, it might be bad if I just rely on parasitic capacitance.2018-07-08 9:40 AM
Looking at the schematic of STM32F746G-DISCO board, I can see that ST uses a crystal oscillator as the clock source for the chip. Well, that's the motivation to test my F4 board.
2018-07-08 10:47 AM
If this is your first board and you have no measuring equipment, yes do everything by the book. Especially if you are not going to make several prototypes to test everything properly.
2018-07-08 11:10 AM
I have an old PIC board having no loading capacitance but it worked (lol).
2018-07-08 3:38 PM
Yep. I have done the same with some Atmel CPUs without problems. But Clive2 has more experience from STM32 CPUs than me.