2023-08-31 11:12 AM
I'm trying to flash ota using the BLE_Sensor iPhone app and I see different interfaces when the app is interfaced with the custom PCB and a NucleoWB55 board. The picture with the OTA config tab is the Nucleo board. The other is the custom pcb w/ modified BLE Sensor firmware. See the attached images.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to alter the BLE_Sensor example to make flash OTA work? Or any other recommendations in general? I have looked at several step by step guides.
2023-08-31 8:50 PM
Many Thanks @Issamos .
I've watched the video but have had a hard time following as my example stm application is BLE_Sensor and not BLE_OTA nor BLE_HR.
I'm wondering what files I need to alter in the BLE_Sensor example module to enable flash OTA.