2017-08-24 1:39 PM
We're going to use a Nucleo-L433 board in a prototype. The boss wants to know whether it can be reflashed - but after the debugger board is cut off, to save space.
Can it be done?
#nucleo-32l433-flash2017-08-24 4:46 PM
from the user manual:
'It is still possible to use the ST- LINK part to program the STM32, using wires between the CN3 and SWD available signals on the ST morpho connector (SWCLK CN5 pin 17, SWDIO CN5 pin 15 and NRST CN5 pin14, same I/O level as VDD_MCU).'
scroll down to the part that says 'User Manuals' and grab UM2206
2017-08-24 5:51 PM
You should be able to get to PA13/PA14 via pin headers SWDIO/SWCLK
2017-08-25 7:32 AM
Though not clearly stated, it looks like 3 wires from CN3 to CN5 should do the trick.
Thanks very much!