2021-04-22 12:46 AM
Hi I'm usiing STM32F746 controller, I am erasing sector 7 using HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit, uint32_t *SectorError).
Erase operation is successfull but the Controller functionality is not working i.e it is not taking any inputs and not delivering any output
2021-04-22 6:27 AM
Hi @Community member
"but the Controller functionality is not working i.e it is not taking any inputs and not delivering any output" Can you please specify when the MCU is not responding?
2021-04-22 6:35 AM
Thanks for the reply Bouraoui....
As soon as the Erase operation performed on sector 7 the MCU stops responding .
I am using sector 7 to store some data because it is free.
Is there any problem if I use free memory in flash?
2021-04-22 7:16 AM
Hi @Community member
During the erase operation the CPU is stalled.
2021-04-22 8:47 AM
I think the Data Sheet should indicate the min/max times for various Flash Sector erases, depends on size and age, as well as voltages.
To avoid stalls during erase and write operations you would need to move the entire working set of code to SRAM
2021-04-22 9:15 AM
Even after erase operation is completed code execution is not started How can i restart the execution of code after erase operation