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Fixed number (5) of Pulses triggered by external event. (STM32H753ZI to ADS8556)


I'm using an STM32H753ZI, specifically the Nucleo H753ZI board, to read data from an ADS8556 adc. Upon signaling to the ADS8556 to start a conversion, a BUSY signal on the adc goes high and falls when the data is ready to be read.

I currently have BUSY connected to PG13, set up as HRTIM1 AF2, with falling edge sensitivity and configured as External Event 10. I have nRD set up on PG6, HRTIM1 CHE1, with its SetSource configured to HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_10, and its ResetSource as HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1, in line with the desired pulse width. For CHE, I also have `ResetTrigger = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_UPDATE | HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_10`, continuous mode (I've also tried SINGLESHOT_RETRIGGERABLE), and repetition counter = 4.

With this setup, I'm seeing nRD (PG6) pulse once on the falling edge of BUSY, and not the desired 5 (I'm only reading from 5 channels out of 6 on the ADS8556). I've played around with a number of HRTIM configurations, but this is the best I've managed so far. It appears RepetitionCounter is not doing anything, maybe I'm misunderstanding completely.

Am I even on the right track? To distill down my goal, I want to be able to generate 5 active-low pulses on a pin, triggered by the falling edge of an external signal. Another future consideration is I will also need the pin for these 5 pulses to trigger DMA transfers.

Thanks in advanced!

