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['F446 documentation] SPDIF-Rx input pins naming/numbering mismatch between DS and RM

Posted on January 18, 2018 at 01:29

In STM32F446xC/E DS rev.6, Table 10. STM32F446xx pin and ball descriptions, SPDIF-Rx input pins are named SPDIFRX_IN0, SPDIFRX_IN1, SPDIFRX_IN2, SPDIFRX_IN3.

In the same DS, Table 11. Alternate function, the same pins are named SPDIF_RX0, SPDIF_RX1, SPDIF_RX2, SPDIF_RX3.

In RM0390 rev.3, in 27.3  SPDIFRX functional description, these pins are referred to as SPDIFRX_IN[4:1] and in Figure 337. SPDIFRX block diagram as SPDIFRX_IN[1], SPDIFRX_IN[2], ..., SPDIFRX_IN[n] where n=4.

In the same RM, 27.5.1  Control register (SPDIFRX_CR), INSEL bitfield description, these pins are named SPDIFRX_IN1, SPDIFRX_IN2, SPDIFRX_IN3, and SPDIFRX_IN4.

There are still no bitfield values defined in the CMSIS-mandated device header, so I can't comment on that (but wrote this deliberately to remind once again of my request for these values). I don't care about Cube and kin.

In other words, regardless of 3 different naming scheme, the DS numbers pins from 0, whereas RM from 1. That's very, very confusing.

Please, unify the pins names and numbering.


ST Employee

Hello Jan,

Sorry for the delay to answer you.

Your feedback regarding SPDIFRX pins naming/numbering is passed internally and the pins names and numbering will be corrected for all datasheets including SPDIFRX:

 SPDIFRXx_INx with SPDIFRX input (x=1,2,3,4).

Thank you for your contribution and Happy New year.

Kind Regards,


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