2019-10-16 5:04 AM
This is probably pertinent to other RMs with FSMC and FMC chapters (and FMC chapter in the very same RM0090 too); but that's ST's task to check/correct/whatever all of them.
2019-10-18 12:31 AM
The asynchronous waitstate works sligthly different than described above, and maybe different than one would probably expect.
Following waveform was taken using a LA sampling at 5ns (vertical tick-lines), 'F407 running at 168MHz (i.e. HCLK period cca 6ns), DATST=3, ADDSET - I don't remember exactly, probably around 8-10:
So, while /WAIT's trailing (upgoing) edge is far enough from the /WR, /WR lasts the expected 3 cycles. As soon as /WAIT gets closer (that's third write and on, here), /WR starts to stretch so that the distance between the trailing edge of /WAIT and trailing edge of /WR is kept at a constant distance, cca 30-35ns. That might quite well correspond to the mentioned 4HCLK (even if 30-35ns is 5-6 clocks at the 1/168MHz rate) - note, that /WAIT is *input* from memory to FSMC and is asynchronous to FSMC/STM32, so there's some lag between the observed /WAIT edge and the moment when the internal logic of FSMC detects it (and the LA is not that perfect at those rates, either).
Note that this stretching occured even before /WAIT overlapped /WR. I tried DATAST=2 and the results are similar.
When DATAST is set to a larger value, this behaviour may result in an unpleasant surprise:
(there I wrote 30ns corresponds to 5(maybe 6) HCLK cycles, but I did not realize what I wrote above, i.e. that /WAIT is asynchronous to FSMC; so it again corresponds probably more to 4 HCLK).
The unpleasant surprise is in that after memory (or memory-like external peripheral) signals end of /WAIT, until end of /WR, there's not the expected time set by DATAST (which can be set up to 255 cycles), but only the fixed 4 HCLK. That behaviour ought to be documented.