2024-04-16 7:00 AM
I see that Keil is using .FLM
and .stldr looks like CubeIDE
are those the same ?
can I change the extension from .stldr to .FLM and load using Keil and vice versa ?
also any idea how to add the loader to keil ?
I see that Keil has a lot pre defined loaders only for the DISCO boards I do not see option to add new.
2024-04-16 7:22 AM
Similar in form and function but different.
Check documentation and \Keil\Arm\Flash directory for build methods and examples.
2024-04-16 7:36 AM
I can use CubeIDE /CubeProgrammer to load it or possibly switch entirely.
I just wonder if it will work later with Keil.
Once the external loader is installed.
It is 1024 x 600 TFT so 2MB flash on the chip is not enough for all the graphics.
One full picture 1024 x 600 takes almost 5 MB
2024-04-16 7:43 AM
Didn't you have a 16MB (128Mbit) QSPI device?
You can program with STM32 Cube Programmer.
If you put the .FLM in the Flash directory you can pick it as an algorithm in Keil and use it to download and debug directly.
2024-04-16 8:06 AM
I do have different boards
one is using OSPI 512MBIT
the other one is QSPI 128MBIT
OSPI gave me a little trouble before I got it finally working.
QSPI was easy it worked first time