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external loader Data mismatch found at address 0x90000000 (byte = 0x88 instead of 0x00)

Senior III

The QSPI is working fine, I can write and read using the standard library.

But when using external loader, it can never write the data correctly, though I can read using Cube programmer.

this is the data I am getting



instead of


I am using the loader files for H7 devices and I followed the examples by STM and other. Theirs seems to be working but not mine. Like the data is twisted upside down. Must be something simple somewhere in the code but I cannot find. 


Double check the mode the device is in and the read template for Memory Mapped mode, STR, DTR, DUMMY CYCLES

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It was wrong driver/library, it only partially worked on



I could read and write but with some errors.

I followed the STM video how to make the loader, it seems very simple.

I could never get this one to work

I couldn't read or write

So I tried my own. After getting the right library it works fine now, it is writing and reading errors free now.

I am not sure if it was STR, DTR, DUMMY CYCLES I did not check.

The latter screen shot shows a MX25LM51245G OCTOSPI device on an STM32H7A/B device.

So you're post's about a MT25QL128 QUADSPI device on a STM32H743BIT6 ?

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correct I tested

this one works fine.



I showed how the data should look like once written to  QSPI using OSPI. I did not have other working example.

The first shows how the data is misaligned.

this is how it looks today, it is working
