2020-06-23 4:43 AM
The line where the external interrupt is set SYSCFG->EXTICR [2] |= (3 << 12); I want to set it for port D pin 10. How the masking and unmasking is done for port D?
2020-06-23 6:47 AM
Which STM32?
2020-06-23 7:05 AM
stm32l476 mcu
2020-06-23 3:34 PM
Bits 11:8 EXTI10[3:0]: EXTI 10 configuration bits
These bits are written by software to select the source input for the EXTI10 external
0000: PA[10] pin
0001: PB[10] pin
0010: PC[10] pin
0011: PD[10] pin
0100: PE[10] pin
0101: PF[10] pin
0110: PG[10] pin
so for PD10 you probably want
SYSCFG->EXTICR [2] |= (3 << 8);
2020-06-24 7:32 AM
Thank you for the answer.