2020-12-16 8:49 PM
We are using "STM32G473VET6" in one of our application requiring 7 pins from different ports to be mapped as external interrupt (EXTI) vector. But as per reference manual document "RM0440" section 9.3.8, "All ports have external interrupt capability. To use external interrupt lines, the port must be configured in input mode."
As per above statement, we are afraid that if we are using one pin of any port as EXTI, then we need to configure that complete port as input only. But as per our use case we need to define the other pins of the same port as input, output, as well as bidirectional.
Please confirm if we can go as per our requirement or there is any restriction over that ?
2020-12-17 3:49 PM
> To use external interrupt lines, the port must be configured in input mode."
This is badly formulated sentence. They meant, that to use a pin as EXTI input, that particular pin has to be configured as input.
But this is not true either. You can use EXTI on a pin configured in any mode except Analog; although it would be strange to use it on an Output pin (but possible nonetheless).
ST's documentation is not famous for being concise.
OTOH, note, that you can use use each "pin number" only once; for example, you cannot use both PA2 and PB2 as EXTI simultaneously, see SYSCFG_EXTICRx registers.