2013-04-08 12:24 AM
Hi All,
I am trying to produce a 256 kHz frequency clock for use with audio codecs. I am trying to produce this 256kHz freq from the 120MHz system clock on the STM32F207 series. I would like to use the timers to produce this 256kHz clock, however 256kHz does not evenly divide into 120MHz. (120Mhz/256kHz = 468.75) Does anyone know of a way to produce a non-multiple of the system clock by using a combination of timers, and cascading timers. I have found one way to produce 192MHz from the I2S PLL, and then output on MCO 6.4MHz, which can then be divided down to 256KHz, but this requires two pins, 1 for the MCO pin and 1 for external clock input. I would prefer to be able to just use internal timers and get back two micro controller pins. Any help find a solution to this would be great. #fitter #external-clock #advanced-timers #clocks #magic-crystals #doughnuts2013-04-08 3:41 AM
The way the STM32 dividers and counters work you need to use integer factors.
You might have to choose magic crystal values, or PLL combinations, and run the part and non-optimal speeds. With a PCM based design requiring 256 KHz and 8 KHz, I had to run the F103 at 64 MHz. Your option would be to run at 96 MHz, I didn't run all the combinations but this factored and would permit USB operation. 256000 * 375 = 960000002013-04-08 6:39 AM
> Does anyone know of a way to produce a non-multiple of the system clock
> by using a combination of timers, and cascading timers. I could visualize a one-timer solution involving DMA to dynamically change the reload value, if your application can cope with the resulting jitter. > I have found one way to produce 192MHz from the I2S PLL, and then output on MCO 6.4MHz, You could (ab)use one of the I2S modules as a divider. JW2013-04-08 7:06 AM
The LSE could use a 256 or 512 KHz crystal.
The HSE could use a 8.192 MHz or 16.384 MHz crystal. On the STM32F4 you could run at 128 MHz, or 160 MHz2013-04-08 7:22 AM
> The LSE could use a 256 or 512 KHz crystal.
Inventive, although... I can't find any information on the capability of the LSE circuitry to drive anything other than a 32.768kHz crystal... JW2013-04-08 7:31 AM
Connectivity via MCO, TIM5 and TIM11
2013-04-08 7:47 AM
It's not a coincidence that this table is found under ''Low-speed external user clock generated from an external source'' header.
I'd be very surprised if this would constitute a guarantee that the LSE circuitry can drive a 512kHz crystal. JW2013-04-08 7:47 AM
Making better use of the extra post generated by crappy forum software: I just had a look at AN2867.
The Revision history has this to witness: 17-Jul-2012 - [revision]6 - Whole document restricted to STM32F1 devices. JW2013-04-08 8:37 AM
Honestly, I don't know if the internal Pierce oscillator circuit can be abused in this fashion, or if an external oscillator source is the way to go. I don't have any Pierce targeted 512 KHz crystals to hand (or 256, 768), so probably not something I'm going to experiment with.
Again this reflects on the lameness of the clocking scheme in the part, as I think most lower frequency applications would be fine with 4-9 ns of jitter from an NCO clocked by the VCO or PLL.2013-04-08 9:19 AM
100% agree, but wouldn't in this particular case (relatively high divider) the scheme I outlined above (timer compare value reloaded by DMA triggered by the same compare, alternating between N and N+1) yield the same result than a NCO?