2018-12-13 1:53 AM
Hello, i use RTC to exit STOP1 mode (tick disable) , the only way is to call HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP1Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFE);
HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP1Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI); doesn't work.
Have you any idea why ?
2018-12-13 9:26 PM
There's very little info in your post.
First: I assume that it doesn't wake up at all?
Which device do you have?
What should wake it up? The RTC wakeup timer? Have you configured it?
I recall that there was some setting to specially route WUT-interrupt to wakeup cirquits, but can't find it now...
2018-12-14 12:02 AM
thank you for your reply
Yes it doesn't wake up at all, i use STM32L475RE, and i wake it with RTC ;
using PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI doesn't work; using PWR_STOPENTRY_WFE paremeter is OK (CPU wakes up after 10s as programmed).
Have you any clues ?
Here's the code :
HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT(&hrtc, 10000, RTC_WAKEUPCLOCK_RTCCLK_DIV16);
EXTI->PR1 |= 0xFFFFFFFF; //(1<<i);
EXTI->PR2 |= 0xFFFFFFFF; //(1<<i);
/* Enter STOP 1 mode */
Best regards
2018-12-15 4:39 AM
This is how I did it with blue pill (F103) and without HAL. I think it works very much alike - at least it did with L476. I can't access that code anymore (I work for a different company now).
void go_standby(void)
volatile uint32_t *rcc, *pwr, *bkp, *rtc, *scb, *syst, *nvic;
// rcc = (uint32_t *) RCC_BASE;
pwr = (uint32_t *) PWR_BASE;
bkp = (uint32_t *) BKP_BASE;
rtc = (uint32_t *) RTC_BASE;
scb = (uint32_t *) SCB_BASE;
syst = (uint32_t *) SYSTIC_BASE;
nvic = (uint32_t *) NVIC_BASE;
/* TODO: save data over standby */
// bkp[BKP_DATA2] = ... // store data
/* stop systick interrupts */
syst[SYST_CSR] &= ~0x00000002;
/* clear RSF, OWF, ALRF, SECF */
rtc[RTC_CRL] &= 0xfffffff0;
/* wait until RTC second event flag */
while (rtc[RTC_CRL] & 0x00000001);
/* clear RSF, OWF, ALRF, SECF */
rtc[RTC_CRL] &= 0xfffffff0;
/* wait for last write to finish (RTOFF) */
while (!(rtc[RTC_CRL] & (uint32_t) 0x00000020));
rtc[RTC_CRL] = 0x00000010; /* enter CNF */
/* sleeptime */
rtc[RTC_ALRH] = rtc[RTC_CNTH]; // high 16 bits
rtc[RTC_ALRL] = rtc[RTC_CNTL] + 0x0000001e; // 30 sec, low 16 bits
rtc[RTC_CRL] = 0x00000000; /* exit CNF */
/* wait for synchronization (RSF) (can last a minute) */
rtc[RTC_CRL] &= (uint32_t) 0xfffffff7; /* mark not synced */
while (!(rtc[RTC_CRL] & (uint32_t) 0x00000008));
/* wait for last write to finish (RTOFF) */
while (!(rtc[RTC_CRL] & (uint32_t) 0x00000020));
//rtc[RTC_CRH] |= 0x00000002; // enable alarm interrupt - must NOT do
/* enable wakeup by WKUP-pin */
pwr[PWR_CSR] |= 0x00000100; // enable WKUP-pin
/* clear all pending interrupts */
nvic[NVIC_ICPR_0] = 0xffffffff;
nvic[NVIC_ICPR_1] = 0xffffffff;
nvic[NVIC_ICPR_2] = 0xffffffff;
scb[SCB_SCR] = 0x00000004;
/* clear CSBF and CWUF, PDDS = standby */
pwr[PWR_CR] = (pwr[PWR_CR] & 0xfffffff0) | 0x0000000e;
#if 1
// dsb is probably a good idea before wfi
asm volatile (
// check that timer alarm works before trying actual sleep
while (!(rtc[RTC_CRL] & 0x00000002)); // wait for RTC alarm
/* start systick interrupts */
syst[SYST_CSR] |= 0x00000002;
2018-12-15 4:41 AM
Oh, and this example puts the blue pill in standby, but the L476 used the stop2 mode.
2018-12-15 4:48 AM
I wonder if it was this:
//rtc[RTC_CRH] |= 0x00000002; // enable alarm interrupt - must NOT do
I wonder if this setting routed the WUT to NVIC instead of wakeup cirquit. I recall that there was such a setting...
No, this applies to stdby-mode, when the EXTI is not powered.
2018-12-15 5:15 AM
And, BTW, debug doesn't let the sleeping to take place, unless you specifically allow it (DBG_STOP). Also, a single pending event or interrupt makes the processor to execute wfi as nop.
2018-12-15 5:22 AM
Looks like you are using WUT, not alarm.
2018-12-15 5:41 AM
Check the "5.3.11 Auto-wakeup from low-power mode" in the RM0351 (reference manual).
The wakeup from stop mode seems to be different in that the WUT needs to get to NVIC:
"To wakeup from Stop mode with an RTC wakeup event, it is necessary to:
• Configure the EXTI Line 20 to be sensitive to rising edge
• Configure the RTC to generate the RTC alarm"
I think it's the EXTI setting that defines whether event or interrupt is generated.
Looks like SEVONPEND has to be 0 and the interrupt needs to be enabled in NVIC (EXTI line 20).