2016-06-01 5:23 AM
I am working on the STM32L476G board, with my own code (except using: stm32l4xx.h, stm32l476xx.h, system_stm32l4xx.h,startup_stm32l476xx.sand core_cm4.h). Which means that i'm building my own usart driver in this way: i.e.:usart[id].reg->ISR &= ~ USART_ISR_TXE;
I'm trying to have a functionnal RS com through the usart 1 rx and tx pins, with this config:
8bits, even, 1 stop bit, no hw flow control.
I have configured the usart 1 and the transmission
works. (tested on an hyperterminal and with an analyzer (scanastudio)).
I have issues trying to get usart 1 reception working (for a couple of days now :\ )
Do you think it can be due to the pinning of the eval board?
Is there any other way I can test it?
What is going on exactly?
- starting programm
- initializing usart1
- then I have an interrupt with ISR.FE, ISR.CMF and ISR.RXNE set
- but, as soon as go to the next instruction (with a JTAG debugger), and,
without doing anything (the line can be __ASM(''nop'')), the ISR.RXNE is cleared by i-don't-know-who. After this, the RXNE flag is not set anymore.
Thank you for your time and sorry for the bad english.
2016-06-01 5:40 AM
1. For pinning problem check schematic user manual for board. (check JP15)
2. Register which reading them can clear some flags, should not be view in any view in debug window.2016-06-01 8:26 AM
You were right about the debugger dilema.I have closed any register window and focus now on my rx ring buffer content.
After reseting the µC, the rx buffer is now putting the value ''0x00'' in his first index, and then no more data arrives. But I don't send any ''0x00'' value! all data which is sent is between 0x0A and 0xFF. I still can see with my analyser the data coming on the rx pin...2016-06-01 8:36 AM
The debugger doesn't have magical access to the registers, if you have a ''view'' on the screen showing you what is in the RDR it is because it has READ it, and in doing so will clear the RXNE bit in the status register.
When debugging the USART put values in memory locations you can look at, don't park a register view over the peripheral. It is invasive.2016-06-06 1:42 AM
2016-06-06 3:49 AM
All of the above, remember I can't see anything you are doing. Describing it with prose doesn't help me. Suggest you review available board examples and sample code.
2016-06-06 9:22 AM
void process_irq(void)
// read interrupt : frame error
USART3->ICR |= USART_ICR_FECF; // clear interrupt
// read interrupt : character match
USART3->ICR |= USART_ICR_CMCF; // clear interrupt
// read interrupt : overrun error
USART3->ICR |= USART_ICR_ORECF; // clear interrupt
// read interrupt: rx
UART_fill_rx_buf(id); //receive data
// read interrupt: tx
USART3->ISR &= ~ USART_ISR_TXE; // clear interrupt
//doing some stuff here
2016-06-06 12:23 PM
I'd probably start with the USART1 RS232 port of the STM32L476G-EVAL board, doing a polled echo back after an initial message string output.
The TXE interrupt can be cleared by writing TDR, if you don't have data to send you need to disable the TXE interrupt.RS485 will be complicated by the direction the USART and transceivers are configured in.Framing errors come from seeing signal transitions that fall outside expected intervals, and expectations for start/stop bits.RS232/RS485 level converters typically also invert.