2023-10-18 12:04 AM
ST-LINK SN : 002F00134D46501420383832
Voltage : 3.43V
SWD freq : 8000 KHz
Connect mode: Under Reset
Reset mode : Hardware reset
Device ID : 0x450
Revision ID : Rev V
Device name : STM32H7xx
Flash size : 128 KBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M7
BL Version : 0x90
Memory Programming ...
Opening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_a05624.srec
File : ST-LINK_GDB_server_a05624.srec
Size : 169.02 KB
Address : 0x08000000
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 1:
Erasing external memory sectors [0 1]
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 2:
Erasing external memory sector 16
Download in Progress:
File download complete
Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:10.115
Verifying ...
Error: Data mismatch found at address 0x90000003 (byte = 0x20 instead of 0x24)
Error: Download verification failed
Encountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.13.2\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_2.1.0.202305091550\tools\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe
Error in STM32CubeProgrammer
Shutting down...
2023-10-21 12:08 AM
I have tried with different values and it seems to be working fine , But I tried to mass erase the NOR FLash and Got this I again wrote in the last memory address 0x97FE0000 and the data seems to be written perfectly fine as shown
2023-10-22 7:20 PM
oh, it seems mass erase not fully functional. But as I remember, the more important is, to program code or data, the flow is erase block(s) + program block(s), random data files may be used to test if such operation is fully functional.
2023-10-22 11:54 PM
As shown in the pictures I can confirm that the data is not erased from the NOR Flash it can Only Be re written
2023-10-23 12:13 AM
Could You please share a External Flash loader which can only check single Nor Flash (We have 2 Separate Nor Flash on board)
RW187 (MT25QL512) x2
2023-10-23 7:08 PM
Sorry I don't have such kind of External Flash loader. All the External Flash loader files I have are from STM32CubeProgrammer installation.