2012-10-15 1:55 AM
I need to use DSP libraries such as BasicMathFunctions, but I have a lot of error messages, you might describe the procedure to include these libraries??
error messages like:.. \ main.c (18): error: ♯ 5: can not open source input file ''ARMCM4.h'': No such file or directoryTarget not created #dsp-libraries2012-10-15 2:57 AM
2012-10-15 3:01 AM
2012-10-15 3:26 AM
does not work ... I think you have made your instructions but it does not work ... can you tell me step by step what should I do??
2012-10-15 3:50 AM
If you look at the contents of this ARMCM4.h, it defines just the same things as the stm32xxx.h files - only less. It is the ARM version for a generic M4 core, and thus should match the STM32F4xx, LPC45xx, LM4Fxxx and others.
I believe ST should have removed all references to this file before releasing the F4 firmware library, because their version (stm32f4xx.h) is a superset of this file. If you build for an stm32f4, just remove the line #include ''ARMCM4.h'' and replace it with #include ''stm32f4xx.h'' or create your own version of ARMCM4.h, which only includes stm32f4xx.h. I had built a project with some DSP lib files some weeks ago, and succeeded this way. Edit: Looking at your picture, you probably just need to remove the include. The other file (''stm32f4xx.h'') should already be pulled in by former includes.2012-10-15 5:04 AM
I tried to replace with ARMCM4.H STM32F4xx.h but I get many errors when I try to use the mathematical functions or control as the pid...
2012-10-15 5:20 AM
I tried to replace with ARMCM4.H STM32F4xx.h but I get many errors...
If the file stm32f4xx.h is already included, remove ARMCM4.h, i.e. the include. ''Invalid redeclaration ...'' is a typical error when including a header file twice.
2012-10-15 6:24 AM
gives me error for all types defined as __IO uint32_t
for example IO uint32_t take me back to a mistakebut unit32_t don't return an error message...I can not fix .... :( Help me....2012-10-15 7:04 AM
You need to look at the first error, subsequent ones often come as a result if it trying to recover/restart.
The include file you want is in \Keil\ARM\Device\ARM\ARMCM4\Include You NEED to ensure that you project has Include pathing set up correctly so that it can find the files requested. Options -> C/C++ -> Include Paths2012-10-15 7:20 AM
clive, as always, I thank you! :) I've included the file but I have new errors, I think there are conflicts, you may help me for this new problem?