2017-08-03 1:05 AM
Hello everyone,
I am using the STM32F469i-disco for my touch screen project and I was able to modify the sample example in the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1 to satisfy my project. ( ..\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1\Projects\STM32469I-Discovery\Examples\BSP) Now I am trying to use the STM32F469BIT6 (TQFP176 ) instead of the BGA one used in the Discovery board.
Does anyone Know where can I find the declaration of PJ2 as DSI_TE in the code?
My problem is I do not find a way to change the DSI_TE pin in the Library from PJ2 to another pin.
I looked everywhere in the code but I do not find it.
I already found the PJ5 in 'stm32469i_discovery.h' line 221
&sharpdefine TS_INT_PIN ((uint32_t)GPIO_PIN_5)
&sharpdefine TS_INT_GPIO_PORT ((GPIO_TypeDef*)GPIOJ)Thank you for your help
#stm32-mcu-evaluation-board #stm32f469 #stm32 #stm32f469i-disco2017-08-03 2:26 AM
,You should review the pin assignment in the
of your product, in the (Table STM32F469xx pin and ball definitions) for the Pin number of
Best Regards
2017-08-03 3:03 AM
The definition of TS_INT pin is a software definition, any pin could be used.
DSIHOST_TE is an hardware feature, this function is only available on PJ2 and PB11 through alternate function configuration of the GPIO (see AF13 in the table 12 in the datasheet).
This is configured through the GPIOx_AFRy bit field relative to one those two pins (in
_AFRH respectively)
2017-08-03 5:33 AM
Thank you for the answer, do I need to change the definition of the DSI_TE from PJ2 to PB11 in the software ?if yes, where can I find the
in the software?
Thank you