2022-05-29 08:55 AM
hello dear. I opened the documentation for stm32H7xx and am trying to calculate the address. I don't understand what it means?
Address offset: 0x3DCh-0x3ECh
what should I add to the base address?
how to understand and read it?
Address offset: 0x3DCh-0x3ECh
you wrote all the time 0x- for the 16 system. didn't use 'h'. this caused a misunderstanding. it is possible that some special calculations of these addresses were needed. maybe it meant something more than just the 16 system. it looks more like artistic literature than the documentation.
2022-05-29 09:04 AM
RM433. 37.5.61
HRTIM Burst DMA Timerx update Register (HRTIM_BDTxUPR)
2022-05-31 05:10 PM
Table 323 and 326 explains it, although indeed it's somewhat chaotic.
BDTAUPR = 0x380 + 0x5C = 0x3DC
Also table 323 is called "RTIM global register map". I guess "RTIM" was meant to be "HRTIM".
2022-06-02 06:30 AM