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DMA Requests - CubeMX - Memory to Peripheral setup questions


Complete noob in both uCs and C trying to understand how to actually read the documentation and where to look for the answers.

I am using CubeMX to generate a majority of my code and using HAL.

I have succesfully got DMA transfer to update different timer parameters by following example code from youtube and other locations:

  • Create a data Arrray
  • Trigger Event Selection :  Update Event
  • Select TIMxUP DMA request  (Mem to peripheral, Word, Circular)
  • HAL_DMA_Start(hdma, SrcAddress, DstAddress, DataLength)
  • TIMx->DIER |= (1<<8)

Ok for most part I am just poking around changing the array and destinations to view the signal results.   Cascading timers;  using timers as the input clock to other timers; using timers to update different registers on other timers.  Just exploring at an extremely basic level.


Some timers do not have the TimxUP DMA event and have selections like TIMxUP/CH1  or TIM8/CH1/CH2/CH3.

After several nights I am just hitting a wall.  Valley of Despair.  I cannot figure out how to use these different "Requests" in my code or how to use them to move data from an array to a destination.   

HAL_TIM_OC_Start_DMA(htim, Channel, pData, Length)

Why does the update event have a destination and this not?  Can I use the toggle functionality on a timer channel to DMA from an array to another timers PSC ?