2019-05-05 02:48 PM
I've been reading the STM32F427 and I can't confirm my understanding - so I'd like to ask.
I have data that I must push out a GPIO faster then should be serviced by an interrupt.
My intent is to use TIM1 - set a period - then set 3 output compares having each compare generate a DMA event.
Looking at the Stream/Channel matrix I find Stream 6 DMA Channel 0 has TIM1_CH1, TIM1_CH2, TIM1_CH3, identified.
Does this imply that I can set up DMA Stream 6 to use DMA Channel 0 - AND - if I use CH1, CH2, CH3 of TIM1 for my compare that each DMA event from one of the TIM1 CHs will cause DMA Stream 6 to execute?
Any clarity in this matter is appreciated.
2019-05-05 03:02 PM
You're going to have to use Channel 6 across different Streams to separate the DMA transfers, otherwise you'll get one pattern buffer and you'll have to interleave the patterns as they will be occurring.
2019-05-05 03:37 PM
I tried to keep my question simple but I think I muddied what I need to do.
I need to write to 3 separate GPIO ports for each Timer event (3 of them).
I believe what you explained is good for 1 GPIO but I have 3 which would require 9 Streams - and only DMA2 can to memory to memory giving 8 Streams.
So what I was hoping to do was to create my data in an array that properly interleaved them and have one DMA Stream 6 use DMA channel 0 which I am hoping will respond to each of the 3 TIM channel compare events then have DMA Stream 2 also use DMA Channel 0 and respond to the 3 TIM 8 events and finally have DMA Stream 1/Channel 6 AND Stream 3/Channel 7 AND Stream 4/Channel 7 provide the data to my third GPIO port.
I would have TIM8 linked to TIM1 so the timing on the 3 events (TIM1 and TIM8) should work for my 3 Stream output to the third GPIO.
I did not want to get this deep but this is what my understand is -- am I correct to proceed or I'm I totally lost?
Thanks in advance for any reply.
2019-05-05 04:56 PM
I don't see you pulling that off.
Use the FMC/FSMC, create a 32-bit wide data bus, latch the 24-bits you want to drive externally.
2019-05-05 05:13 PM
I'm actually trying to output 48 bits.
I am just testing 16 bit now (a single GPIO port) - polling - not interrupt or DMA to make sure I have the timer working properly.
The CCxIF flags in the TIM1 SR register are being set when the compare fires but I am unable to write to the SR register and reset the flags.
Am I missing something on polling - resetting the SR flags?