2018-01-05 4:13 AM
I have stm32f407vg Discovery board, how do i identify it is old reference or new one ? as mentioned here.
Any product marking ? My board has some number MB997C - 01
#stm32-discovery #stm32f42018-01-05 4:24 AM
Look at the STLink mcu - the 'old' one is STM32F103C8T6 while the 'new' one (STLinkV2-A, i.e. the one which supports mbed and presents a VCP and MSC in the PC) is STM32F103CBT6.
2018-01-05 7:19 AM
The DISC1 is MB997D and identifies it self as a STM32F407G-DISC1 in the top right corner silk screen.