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Disable tracing on STM32H743

Associate III


Is it possible to disable the ETM on STM32H743?

I know It possible to disable the tracing via trace pins or reading the trace data at low speeds using Jtag, but is it possible to disable the CPU from recording instructions into the ETM?

Is that what the ETM programming control register - M7_ETM_PRGCTL enable/disable bit does?

Or the register only controls if tracing enabled, not if the CPU records the actual instructions?



You can disable the unit. Pull the docs on the ETM

I​t isn't like an old ICE, it's not recording instructions/data, but rather flow dynamics it can use to reconstruct execution host side using a copy of the original object files or binaries, and SWD read of blocks of memory before/after

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Associate III

What are the side affects of enabling it if I don’t use Trace at all?

power consumption?
