2021-10-03 8:12 PM
I followed the example for DFSDM found in DM00380469_ENV1.pdf and setup the channels as specified (channel 0/1 -> input from ch1 and internal clock). Cube MX also creates 2 pins , CLK and DATAIN1.
It seems that I cant get any data coming for the second channel it all filter 1 that is attached to channel 1 has no audio although the interrupt is triggered.
The mics are setup for L/R and I can data coming when I connect them one by one to the DATAIN1 pin but when both are connected only one channel has audio.
It's really difficult to see whats happening even if I capture the data from a logic analyser.
Not sure if its a software or hardware issue.
Any advise on how to proceed?
2021-10-03 9:41 PM
Also it seems that data appears to be the same in both DMA buffers.
2021-10-05 8:56 PM
Anyone know how/why the DMA interrupt isnt triggering when using the option to sync with filter 0?
2021-10-05 9:13 PM
Need to call filter 1 before filter 0.