2012-05-14 05:39 PM
I recently had a problem where my SysTick_Handler wasn't firing. The solution was to change the VECT_TAB_OFFSET from 0x00 to 0x4000. How does one determine what his value should be? If it can be different based on one's individual configuration, what configuration settings affect this value?
STM32F207ZET6 with IAR Workbench #vector-systick2012-05-14 06:16 PM
It depends on the base address you compiled/linked your code at. Try looking at a .MAP file and see where __vector_table is situated, and then program the Cortex-M3 with that address. It needs to be on a 512 byte boundary.
In startup_stm32xyz.s...
PUBLIC __vector_table
DCD Reset_Handler ; Reset Handler
DCD NMI_Handler ; NMI Handler
DCD HardFault_Handler ; Hard Fault Handler