2018-07-02 2:26 AM
Hi to everyone,
I'm working on STM32F411 and I'm wondering if it's possible at the start of a code, detect if a new flash code is in progress to stop the code execution and wait for the flash. This strange problem is due to working with a code continuosly updated and flashed; I'd like, when my board powers up, that the code execution stops if it detects that I'm flashing a new code. Is it really possible or it is only a dream ?
Kind regards
Davide Urbano
#stm32f4 #flash2018-07-02 3:04 AM
... I'm wondering if it's possible at the start of a code, detect if a new flash code is in progress to stop the code execution and wait for the flash.
No, it's not.
Your MCU has only one Flash bank, and any code execution from Flash stalls while an erase/program is in progress.