2018-07-13 1:20 PM
Any one have any info on when cubemx support for stm32h750 might be available?
2018-07-13 3:46 PM
It is the same part, pick your target as being an H743 and trim the memory setting
2018-07-13 6:07 PM
did you see the reference manual is 3247 pages ?
that's why I like the cube...
2018-07-13 6:29 PM
Some one has to RTFM, and there is no guarantee the monkey will spit out workable code.
The trick really is to skim the manual, to know where the information is and how it fits together, not to memorize every page.
2018-07-14 7:50 AM
Dear All,
CubeMX support of our recently announced F7/H7 Value lines is coming next week 20 July in release 4.26.1 , we are also adding support of other features and need to be synchronized on our web site.
2018-07-14 10:00 AM
My assumption here is that the H750 will be used to blow out the 0x1003 Y step die stocks, while moving forward the H743/753 will be the newer 0x2001 X step die.
2018-07-14 10:16 AM
Hi Clive,
Nice Theory, I like it :) , But not true. What about STM32F7? And we will have H750 with the new revision as well. But our new pricing are for the 128KBytes of flash sector just for boot.
Ciao dear friend !
2018-07-14 10:54 AM
Just my cynical silicon point of view of not throwing anything out, and making money on the parts, even ones that don't function at ideal/premium levels. Intel did a lot of work with making sure die could be used in something, high speed cache die would allow for bad banks to be mapped out, and things sold with lower capacity or lower speed. So beyond design-for-test, and design-for-manufacture, you have a design-for-sale-and-scale.
Clive Sinclair was known for buying scrap barrel IC's, like RAM where one bank of two didn't function, he'd test and sort them based on the odd or even side working, and then build systems which used all odd, or all even parts. SyQuest used to buy scrap platters that didn't work, or meet specs, for the original manufacturer, but would work well for lower capacity, lower density, single-sided applications, or could have defects easily mapped/managed.
Anyway do you have a value part based on the F72x/73x die? It has a better CM7 core than the F74x/F75x one.
The H7 has been available of 18 months, assuming you're not selling vast numbers, only now seeing a strong up-tick in forum traffic.
Does the H7 Rev X support DSI functionality?
2018-07-14 11:39 AM
Posted on July 14, 2018 at 18:39
H743XI Z
CPUID 411FC271 DEVID 450 REVID 1001
Cortex M7 r1p1
C0000018 20000F48 00000000
10110221 12000011 00000040
FPU-D Single-precision and Double-precision
CPUID 410FC271 DEVID 449 REVID 1001
Cortex M7 r0p1
STM32F74xxx or F75xxx
C0000000 FFFFFFF8 00000000
10110021 11000011 00000040
FPU-S Single-precision only
CPUID 411FC270 DEVID 451 REVID 1000
Cortex M7 r1p0
STM32F76xxx or F77xxx
C0000000 FFFFFFF8 00000000
10110221 12000011 00000040
FPU-D Single-precision and Double-precision
CPUID 411FC271 DEVID 452 REVID 1000
Cortex M7 r1p1
STM32F72xxx or F73xxx
C0000000 FFFFFFF8 00000000
10110021 11000011 00000040
FPU-S Single-precision only
Edited 5-Dec-2018 for clarity, forum transition did a fugly job
2018-07-26 6:23 AM
Dear all,
New STM32CubeMx 4.26.1 was released as expected Friday 20th July.
{ First message in new community ;)