2018-01-23 9:21 PM
So, the 4.24 version won't generate anything if it does not have an internet connection. Even if there is firmware in repository...
Now I'm loving the earlier version with a passion!
2018-01-23 11:40 PM
I tried offline mode and it does throw a bunch of 'HTTP server not found' errors when starting a new project, referencing the following files:
mcusFeaturesAndDescription.jsonmcusAds.jsonboardsDocs.jsonboards.jsonAfter clicking Ok on all dialogs it appears to work fine for me, however.
2018-01-24 4:35 AM
I made it work as I wanted, eventually. But the feeling that there are options that were not supposed to be available for everyone, is still there - the Makefile project generation is still rendered unusable and measures are taken to remain that way in the foreseeable future (hiding the Makefile.tpl).
2018-01-24 5:51 AM
Version 4.23.0 tried to update its MCU database (I guess) when you started new project only.
2018-01-24 6:06 AM
With 4.23 version the things are ok, if you tell it to work exclusively local, it will do just that. I have it on manual regarding update checks. On the other hand, 4.24 behavior is cloud like, I think is testing the waters.
2018-01-24 6:17 AM
It seems they invest in non-core features. I am somewhat disappointed by the 4.24 - first test I did just failed (reported LL issues in separate thread).
2018-01-24 9:51 AM
Have they learned nothing from the cloud-based disaster of Jive ... ?
2018-01-24 12:23 PM
So, the 4.24 version won't generate anything if it does not have an internet connection. Even if there is firmware in repository...
To exclude some unfortunate coincidence at Vasile's place, can somebody else please confirm this behaviour?
ST's comment would be nice, too.
2018-01-24 1:48 PM
Disabled the WIFI (the only internet connection) and generated simple project for the device I have never used.
Seems to work fine.
2018-01-24 8:30 PM
So, nobody observed that the upgrade of the software itself is no longer optional?