2016-01-14 11:21 AM
Hi. I'am developer from Russia. And, i have a problem. I generate project in CubeMX with Virtual Com Port (USB 2.0) and upload it in my device (STM32L-Discovery board with STM32L152RBT6). When i connect USB cable (Power from USB bus, cable from ST-Link disconnected), i have a message from Windows: ''device not recognized''. But, i have a test project from the internet, it's not working, but device is recognized. Whats wrong with project? HSE working from ST-Link resonator (I connect SB17 bridge)
This is my parameters:2016-01-15 2:52 AM
Hi raven.alex,
''Power from USB bus, cable from ST-Link disconnected''How the board is powered if ST-Link is disconnected?How are you connecting the USB port?-Shahrzad-2016-01-15 5:15 AM
Very simple, i got usb cable with connectors, and connect it to board.
I just generate project in CubeMX, and upload it on board. Device must be recognized, right? But, if i use project from the interned (Found it inhttp://myrobot.ru/forum/topic.php?forum=3&topic=501
), it recognized, but i can't send and recieve data, and i dont know why. I think about new library (HAL), and yesterday, itry it, but, it's not working. Maybe i'am a stupid?)
RED EXT_5V This is 5 volt from USB port
BLACK GND This is GND from USB port
WHITE PA11 This is DATA- from USB
GREEN PA12 This is DATA+ from USB
For more details, i attached archive with the photos2016-01-15 8:28 AM
Hi raven.alex,
Did you select the Communication Device Class of USB Device in the pinout view? Give us your *.ioc.Try to program your board with the example under STM32Cube_FW_L1_V1.4.0\Projects\STM32L152D_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\CDC_Standalone with taking into account specificity of your discovery board.2016-01-15 8:52 AM
Of course i did. I can't attach file. Errors) I upload ioc files with the old project, from forum, wich worked) Almost worked) It's recognized in Windows.
My files:2016-01-16 3:47 PM
i try to program my board with the example STM32L152D_EVAL, but i can't find, where USB pins are configure.