2016-01-15 11:24 PM
Very much a new learner to these chips and the associated tools (but a long time micro-controller and IT developer).
Environment:- STM32L476 Discovery kit- AC6's System Workbench (under Windows 10 ia VM under OSX 10.11.2)- Latest ST-LINK software (downloaded form the GIT repository today 16 Jan 2016)- STM32Cubel4 (zip file that expands to STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.2.0)The ./st-util command works, can communicate with the device (it would appear to provide correct information).From the zip file I can see two demonstration files STM32CubeDemo_STM32L476G-Discovery-V1.0.3.hex and -V1.0.4.hex.When I use the ''./st-flash write <filename> 0x8000000'' command with either of the .hex files, I get a series of messages that would appear to show the file being loaded into the chip - they end with ''Flash written and verified! jolly good!''.However the demonstration program does not start, even if I power the device down and reconnect it.Can someone please provide me with step-by-step instructions as to what I should be doing to reload the program that the discovery board came with? (Please assume I am an intelligent idiot so assume nothing!)By the way, using the System Workbench under Windows 10, I have managed to write a short program to flash a LED on the board and it works. However I have no idea where the ST-LINK software is located on the Windows device so I have not tried loading this file from there. I assume there is there is a way of using that platform to load a HEX file but it is current;y beyond me!ThanksSusan2016-01-16 6:34 AM
In Windows the ST-LINK Utilities install as
''C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility\STM32 ST-LINK Utility.exe'' This would normally have an icon in the start menu tree, or you could create a shortcut on the desktop. For the QuadSPI Flash on the board, you'd need to select the external loader for that part N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO.stldr ''C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility\ExternalLoader\N25Q128A_STM32F746G-DISCO.stldr''2016-01-16 2:57 PM
Thanks for the information Clive.
When I look along the path you provided for ST-Link, at the last folder the only 2 files in there are ''Log.txt'' and ''Settings.ini'', both dated in December 2014 (over a year before I installed the software). Therefore neither the executable nor the folder down to the external loader are there.A search of the disk finds nothing either, and there are no files with a ''.stldr'' extension.As the System Workbench seems to work correctly, are these items 'built in' in some way and not available from the outside?Do I need to install another copy of ST-Link on the Windows box? If so, is there a recommended version from some location?By the way, the OSX installation of ST-Link does not contain any ''.stldr'' files either (and I've searched the disk).Even if I DO find the files, can you please tell me how to specify the external loader in the ST-Link command line? I've tried the ''./st-flash'' command without parameters and the 'help' it provides only mentions the 'write' command, the path and the address (plus an optional size).(I said you need to spell things out to me!!! Is there a document somewhere that takes the absolute beginner in these tools through everything?)CheersSusan2016-01-16 3:35 PM
OK, slow coach here has finally worked it out: I did need to download the ST-Link utility from the ST.COM web site to my windows machine.
When I started that, I could see the ribbon menu option about external loaders and also 'Target' menu to upload the program.It seems a little strange to me that the System Workbench software log was including items about ST-Link; from this I *assumed* that it was installed as a separate utility.Anyway - thanks for the help. I hope my comments here help others.Susan