2018-08-24 06:27 AM
In CubeMX 4.25 it worked properly then I was forced to migrate my project to 4.26 and the timer with input capture stopped working properly. If I overwrite the driver with 4.25 then it works fine again. I suspect this function is wrong: HAL_TIM_IC_Stop_IT(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_1);
Solved: I was mistaken, it was the code optimization which was changed during migration from 4.25 to 4.26.
2018-08-24 12:14 PM
> it was the code optimization which was changed during migration from 4.25 to 4.26.
And change of optimization breaks Cube's or your code's functionality?
In the latter case, please mark this thread as resolved; in the former please post more information.