2016-05-29 11:02 AM
When some output configured as an alternative function, the only option available is ''Alternative Function Push Pull'' but according to Ref manual (e.g. for stm32f405) the Open Drain for alternative function is also possible and was required in my application.
2016-06-02 9:26 AM
Hannibal, you said that open-drain will not work in full-duplex configuration.
But why it really works in real hardware if I change GPIO_MODE_AF_PP to GPIO_MODE_AF_OD manually? Also, where is in Ref manual (RM0090) mentioned that OD is not available in full-duplex mode?2016-06-02 10:45 AM
bullshit, not true, etc.......
Standard (FULL DUPLEX) UART can work very vell with opendrain....