2017-07-06 5:12 PM
I'm using Cube generator app V4.21.0 and F4 FW V1.16.0 on a 429II.
If I enable DMA transfers for the SD card, it hangs in the SD driver and won't even allow the card to be mounted.
Rolling back to older versions of stm32f4xx_ll_sdmmc and stm32f4xx_hal_sd works perfectly.
Anybody else come across this?
#stm32f4 #dma #sd-card2017-07-21 8:35 AM
In recent versions of the HAL, the HSE timeout in the HAL configuration header has been decreased from 5s to 100ms. With our hardware, we found 100ms to be inadequate; it'd fail during the mount process. I'd actually guess our HSE stabilizing within 100ms not to be the issue; it's probably just the delay assisting with some other startup race. Something you might try, anyway.